Saturday, May 05, 2007

For Helen Story

This is the original church at Rosneath where Georgiana attended while staying with the Story family. We thought that she may have been married there but further investigations reveal otherwise.

The new manse at Rosneath. Finally we discovered that the original house was in such a bad state that Robert Story used the material to incorporate into this new building and there are no remains of the old house where Georgiana stayed with her friends.

This is the new church at Rosneath undertaken by Robert Story after Georgiana had departed to Australia.

Bernice had this goal for a long time - to visit the gravesite of Helen Story who was Georgiana's dearest friend. It seemed fitting that as we had come from the resting place of Georgiana in Busselton, Western Australia to Rosneath, the place she loved. The first afternoon at Rosneath was spent searching the beautiful cemetery in the fine drizzle with our local host, Alastair McIntyre. The graves are in the grounds of the original church which is crumbling. After many hours we made a late dash to the Helensborough Library and with the help of Mike Davis, who showed us some old records, we plotted our search for the next day.

No wonder we could not find it! It took a determined effort to pull the brambles back from the Story family monument. It was an unashamed tearful time, as we two friends, gave our little speech in recognition of their friendship and set the flowers on the side of the inscription to Helen.

I can't quite make out the writing, perhaps Bernice recorded it?

It says something about sister and calm in the storm...


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